WF - Our latest store

WF - Our latest store

When potential online entrepreneurs approach us to build a store, one question we always end up answering is whether or not their product is suitable to sell online.  Truth is, there are very few products which cannot be sold online.  And that means Shopify can enable any business owner to sell anything over the web or mobile. 

Late in the summer of 2015 Shopify's flexibility was proven once again when we met an energetic young entrepreneur from Co. Westmeath in Ireland - William Flood.  An experienced pilot, William had been selling aircraft parts worldwide through an eBay channel.  However as his business scaled William needed a solid eCommerce platform, a mobile responsive theme, access to cheaper payment gateways and an 'easy to use CMS' with access to all parts of the site for SEO purposes.

Shopify fulfilled all of Williams requirements.The Aircraft sales page on wfaviation dot com

William required a detailed product template for both aircraft and parts.  Aircraft parts by their nature are data rich.  A single part requires clear notation of its history, profile, condition and origin.  These add up to many fields of data and information which is crucial for both potential customers and, of course, Google. 

After a few planning and design meetings we settled on the site look and feel.  We then began a project to import over 2,000 aircraft parts into the store.  While the import was ongoing we worked with William on the management of the store and shared insights into the world of digital marketing.

By the time the store was launched in October, our client was competent in managing his store.  Within 48 hours sold it first aircraft part to a client in Mexico.  Shopify handled the transaction perfectly and William was notified through the Shopify mobile app.

For the team at Milk Bottle Labs it is always a pleasure to deliver for an entrepreneur with a vision.

Once again proves that you can indeed sell anything online via Shopify.  In the last 2 years we've built stores that sell shower heads, crafted goods, toys and fitness tools to name but a few. 

We wish William all the best with his new online store -