Shopify Payments & POS Event

Shopify Payments & POS Event

We had a record crowd at our 3rd Official Dublin Shopify Meetup. Bank of Ireland kindly provided the venue on the night along scrumptious catering too :).

Topic for the evening was the Shopify POS (Point of Sale) till system and Shopify payments.

Our Managing Director Peter Corkery demonstrated The new Star mPOP™ combined POS receipt printer and cash drawer.  It's a pretty slick unique point of purchase solution @ €449 plus VAT. It features a compact sleek design and is perfect for use in your retail store. 

The new Star mPOP™ combined POS receipt printer and cash drawer
The crowd was a mixture of experienced bricks and mortar store owners, online retailers, Shopify retailers and entrepreneurs considering Shopify as their platform.

The interaction from the crowd on the night was absolutely fantastic.  Questions were continuous as Peter demonstrated the MPOP loaded with the Shopify POS system - iPad, Scanner, till & iPad stand.

Peter set up the system in front of the crowd and then began to transact on the Star MPOP executing live sales.  The crowd were most impressed by the simplicity of Shopify POS.  For a monthly fee of $49 users can replace their legacy till system, manage and control stock and link a physical store to their Shopify online store.

Payment Gateways - rates?

There was a host of interesting questions on the night.
A number of audience members expressed confusion over the correct payment gateways to use. There is confusion in the marketplace.  
One attendee questioned whether Shopify Payments rates are cheaper than Bank of Ireland. That's simply not possible to answer as quoted transaction rates by Irish providers are dependent on a number of factors including volume.

For clarity, the Shopify rates are here:

Shopify Payment Rates

Peter did point out that EU compliance laws restrict some payment gateway providers from providing a service dependent on what product is being sold.

One interesting take away from the evening was that all merchants should really talk to Shopify about Shopify Payments before they apply to set it up. For those that Shopify Payments is not suitable Stripe, Realex and many other payment gateways are available to use too.  

Thanks for coming along and thanks again to Bank of Ireland for supporting us with the venue. After only three Meetups a community is building around Shopify in Ireland and we are really looking forward to seeing you at one of our planned events in 2017.